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Framingham, MA Invisalign creates straight smiles

January 4, 2016

Filed under: Invisalign — gaitsgory @ 10:48 pm

Framingham, MA InvisalignDiscreet Invisalign clear aligners create beautiful healthy smiles in Framingham, MA. Learn how from Marianna Gaitsgory DMD.

Perfect for straightening many kinds of orthodontic problems, Invisalign clear aligners accomplish what only traditional metal wires and braces could do in the past. How is this possible? Innovative Invisalign technology creates clear, comfortable appliances that move crooked teeth into healthier, and better-looking, positions.


Invisalign from start to finish

Orthodontics with Invisalign clear aligners begins with a personal consultation with Marianna Gaitsgory, DMD, Framingham, MA Invisalign dentist. She has impressive credentials in many areas of dentistry, including cosmetic dental services and the Invisalign process.

When evaluating an older teen or adults for Invisalign, she begins with a complete oral exam, x-rays and 3-D imaging. If Invisalign can work for the patient’s particular issue (Vverbite, underbite, open bite and tooth rotation are some examples), she proceeds with a treatment plan and impressions. They are sent to a special Invisalign lab where a technician crafts the signature aligners.

These aligners look a lot like professional teeth whitening trays. They fit tightly over the top and bottom teeth, and through their special shapes, move teeth into corrected positions comfortably and in less time than metal braces. In fact, treatment time with Framingham, MA Invisalign averages about one year.

As teeth move, the patient exchanges his aligners for the next in a sequence of 18 to 30 pairs. The BPA-acrylic is thin and almost invisible, a feature of Invisalign which makes the system very attractive to teens and adults. Other plusses include ease of dental hygiene (They are fully removable.), and patients do not have to restrict what they eat.

Additionally, Invisalign patients enjoy simple progress checks with Dr. Gaitsgory every 4 to 6 weeks. There are no complex, or painful, adjustments. The individual simply has a quick oral exam and receives his or her next sets of aligners.

When the treatment plan is complete, the patient wears a retainer to keep his or her smile straight and beautiful. This custom-made appliance stays in place ‘round the clock for several months and then is worn only at night indefinitely.

Special considerations

Patients like that they can remove their aligners for special events such as job interviews, proms and weddings. Plus, the appliances clean easily with a non-abrasive toothpaste and soft-bristled brush.

It is important to wear the aligners for the prescribed 20 to 22 hours a day. So, for older teens, parents can request colored compliance tabs be placed in the aligner pairs, The wear patterns on the tabs tell parents, patients and dentists if the treatment plan is being followed.

What would you do for a healthy, straight smile?

Correcting mild to moderate smile crookedness with Invisalign clear aligners is one of the simplest, most discreet and most effective ways you can improve the look and function of your teeth. If you are interested in learning about Invisalign for you or your teen, contact Framingham Premier Dental to arrange a smile consultation with Dr. Marianna Gaitsgory.

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