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The Dental Implants Process Demystified

August 24, 2017

When we first mention dental implants as an option for patients with missing teeth, they often have no idea what to expect. The entire idea seems foreign to some patients and frightening to others. While the dental implant supported tooth replacement process does require a little more time than other tooth replacement options, the results last longer and look and feel more natural. If this sounds like something you may be interested in, please contact the La Plata Dental team to schedule your dental implant consultation.

Dentist in Framingham Provides Periodontics In-Office

August 16, 2017

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: — gaitsgory @ 11:49 pm

Older woman smilingWhen it comes to your dental health, you rely on the care from your dentist in Framingham to ensure that your smile stays healthy for a lifetime. However, as you age, your needs are going to change. It is not uncommon to develop issues that require specialized services, like periodontal disease or tooth loss. When this happens, you need a highly trained professional who has received advanced training in the area. Often, this requires you to be sent to a different location to get the care you need. However, by choosing an office that has a periodontist on site, you will receive the services that you need under one roof.