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What NOT to Do After Dental Implant Surgery

December 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — gaitsgory @ 11:20 pm

Man with dental implants holding a cigarette Dental implants are a big investment. They have the potential to last for decades with the proper maintenance. The first step in your journey to a complete smile involves your dental implant surgery. Titanium posts are surgically placed into your jawbone to replicate tooth roots, so you can expect there to be a bit of a recovery. Don’t let anything compromise the success of your procedure. Here are 5 things you do NOT want to do after your placement surgery.

1. Don’t Smoke

It can be difficult to kick the habit, but you’ll want to put down the cigarettes. The overall success of the procedure relies on your jawbone fusing to the posts through a process called osseointegration. Smoking can affect the healing process, increasing the risk of failure. If you want your investment to thrive, it’s best to stop smoking permanently to avoid preventable complications later, like an infection.

2. Don’t Rinse Excessively

You’ll need to keep your mouth clean while it heals; however, don’t rinse vigorously for at least 48 hours after your procedure. Excessive rinsing can cause the implant site to bleed. Although you’ll still want to rinse, do so gently and let the liquid run out of your mouth into the sink.

3. Don’t Exercise

You’ll have to skip the gym for a few days. Intense exercising can increase your blood flow, which can cause bleeding at the implant site. After enough healing has occurred, your dentist will give the go-ahead to get back to your fitness routine.

4. Don’t Drink Through a Straw

Your mouth is going to be sore for a few days. It might make sense to use a straw to make it easier to drink, but that could lead to a painful condition called dry socket. Suction can dislodge the blood clot forming over the surgical site. Besides leaving the straw out of your drink, skip carbonated beverages because they can irritate the healing tissue. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

5. Don’t Eat Hard or Hot Foods

You must stay nourished to promote faster healing; however, there are going to be a few restrictions to your diet. Your dentist will recommend eating softer foods for a couple of weeks, like smoothies or mashed potatoes. Besides leaving hard foods off your plate, don’t eat anything spicy to avoid irritating the implant site.

You can expect some discomfort after the effects of any sedatives or numbing agents dissipate. It can be managed using any prescribed or OTC pain relievers. Applying a cold compress to the outside of the face can reduce pain and swelling. In just a few short weeks, you’ll be one step closer to a complete, beautiful smile.

About Dr. Marianna Gaitsgory

Dr. Gaitsgory earned her dental degree from the Goldman School of Dental Medicine before continuing her education in many advanced specialties, like dental implants. She focuses on helping each patient achieve a flawless, healthy smile. If you’re ready to replace your missing teeth, contact our office today to schedule your dental implant consultation.

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